Fitness Week and BuggyFit for mums in our Family hotel: Save the date!
14.09.2022 - 22.09.2024
An exciting and sportive program awaits you, specifically created for
all mums, including fitness for the whole body, Pilates, buggyFit,
pelvic floor training and much more.
While we mums are getting fit, let us not forget our small guests. Their
program in this particular period offers massages for babies, gymnastic
for children and even dancing time in our mini disco.
1 week long holiday in this beautiful surroundings, the fresh air, our
programs for
child- and
babycare, our Spa & Beauty facilities, the
All-Inclusive/ no alcohol and all the possible adventures on our farm
will spoil you to no end.
In fact, you can enjoy without feeling guilty, as you will get fit while training 1 week with our buggyFit instructor Anne.
Anne herself has 3 beautiful children and is as excited as you to spend
and enjoy the week full of sport, enjoyment und happy moments with you.
Physiotherapist and buggyFit instructor